You HU Superhero

Los Angeles is ablaze in a fiery heat wave. Tempers can flare as temperatures rise. Escape to air conditioned theatres featuring superheroes is one option. But what if others have the same idea and all seats are taken?

Dive inside and discover the superhero in you.  (By all means, take a cold shower; soak in an ice cube bath, whatever it takes to feel relief before taking the inner trek to claim your superpower.) Yes, I’m suggesting the free and powerful tool of meditation.


The only kryptonite you’ll likely encounter are past hurts. But if you chant HU, the ancient Sanskrit name of God, you may experience a soothing balm. And a restoration of super you!

When Ani  – pronounced “ah-nigh” – the tone of empathy is combined with HU - pronounced "hugh" - magic truly happens. You may have to resist fidget fairies the first few times. But chanting Ani-HU will eventually steamroller away irritations.

Maybe you already have a favorite mantra. Great! Or perhaps closing your eyes – unless it’s sleep – is just not your thing.

Are you willing to breathe? I’m not joking. By altering how we’re taking in air, we can better control our emotions. Check out this short and charming YouTube.  

Simply touching your hand to your heart can also create miracles. Of course, a stroll to the center of a labyrinth can produce tranquility, too. It’s known in some circles as a “moving meditation.” (Note: Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens is closed until July 24.)

Here's another cool idea for finding or strengthening your inner superhero:

What Is Soul Awareness?, August 7, 2018 at 7:30 p.m.

Held at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens
3500 West Adams Blvd. LA CA 90019.