how to

How To Walk The Labyrinth

How Do I Walk A Labyrinth? What Is A Labyrinth? 

Welcome To The Labyrinth - A Guide To Walking A Labyrinth

Excerpted from PAL&G's Labyrinth Guide


Q: What is a Labyrinth?
A:  Labyrinths are circular geometrical patterns used for walking or tracing, as a tool to assist the consciousness. They have been in existence for thousands of years. No one knows for certain when or where they first originated. They are used by different cultures and mystical and religious traditions worldwide. Some patterns are simple and some are more complex. 
A labyrinth differs from a maze in that there is only one way in and one way out. They have one continuous path that twists and turns, eventually leading to the center. There are no dead ends. There is nothing to figure out as you walk or trace a labyrinth. You simply follow the path to the center and then retrace the same path back out.
Labyrinths are made from a variety of materials. Some are stone, some have the paths marked with grass, or gravel. There are large carpets made with labyrinth designs that get rolled out in gyms or parks. There are also small wooden, metal, cloth and paper labyrinths made to trace with your finger or a tracing tool.  (Click here to print and trace a Paper Labyrinth.)
Ours is an outdoor labyrinth using the same pattern design as the Chartres Cathedral labyrinth in France that was built around 1214. It is made of travertine marble that was hand-cut and hand-laid. It is a almost 40 feet across and the path you follow in and out stretches about one third of a mile.
Q: Why walk a Labyrinth?
A:  Many use the labyrinth as a tool to aid the self or consciousness.
It can be used as a tool to “unwind the mind,” and to let go stress or worries and concerns.
There are hospitals, universities and churches who have installed labyrinths to assist people to come to peace or relaxation. 
Walking the labyrinth can release patterned behavior, thoughts, and feelings of various sorts. It can "untorque” or unwind you. As you release old patterned energy, the alignment of your body may shift or straighten into a greater spiritual alignment.
Some walk a labyrinth as a kind of moving meditation.
The labyrinth can be used as a metaphor for how you live your life. What can you learn about yourself as you walk it?
It can be looked on as a symbolic "hero's journey," or a journey to a place of peace inside. The center can represent to your consciousness perhaps your heart, your Self, or your true beingness.
(Originally the labyrinth at Chartres was referred to as "The Road to Jerusalem," and the name Jerusalem actually means "city of peace." In some traditions, the labyrinth was used to represent finding the Holy Grail, or finding Mecca.)
Q: How do I Walk the Labyrinth?
A:  You enter the labyrinth and follow the path as it winds its way toward the center. You pause in the center as you like, then turn and exit the labyrinth on the same path you came in, just going the opposite direction.
Q: How Long Does It Take?
A:  Some people can be in and out in about fifteen minutes and some will take over an hour, stopping to pray, observe, etc.
Q: Do I Have To Walk It Alone Or Can Several Walk At Once?
A:  It is fine to walk it alone and fine to walk with others. People walk at different paces. If you encounter someone going the opposite direction, one will simply step off the path momentarily to allow the other to pass.
Q: What Do I Focus On As I Walk The Labyrinth?  
A:  There are infinite focuses you may choose. There is no “right or wrong” way to walk a labyrinth.
What you focus on at the time may be determined by where you are in your life and what your questions, concerns or goals may be in the moment.
It is best to walk the labyrinth with an open heart and an open mind, asking for that which is for your highest good.
Here are some suggestions.
You might walk it as a kind of prayer.
You might walk it as a symbolic journey, as mentioned above.
You might set the intention to receive inspiration, or to receive an answer to a question, or solution to a “problem.” 
You might walk the labyrinth with the intention to unwind, to let go of a worry or burden of some sort –letting it go when you reach the center.
You might use the labyrinth for learning more about yourself and life, by simply being aware of how you walk it and what you observe as you walk it.
Do you walk it fast? Or slow? Do you lose your focus or your way? Does your mind race or can you hold your mind steady and stay present? Do you wonder when you will reach center? Do you wonder if you're doing it right? If you encounter another person on your path, are you impatient? Are you the one who steps off the path to accommodate the other person? Or do you hold your direction and find that other people step off to let you go your way?
We invite you to visit and give it a try if you haven’t already.
Allow your own creativity to be present and walk the labyrinth in the way you think will work best for you.  

How To Meditate

It's important to take time for ourselves each day to focus on our spiritual nature. 

How To Meditate: Spiritual Exercises - An Active Meditation

Excerpted from Practice Meditation, on website, edited by Kevin McMillan

With so much busyness and distraction available in the modern world, it’s important to take time for ourselves each day to focus on our spiritual nature. To drop the physical concerns of the day, and once again become aware that we are spiritual. That we are, through our Soul and our precious life breath, an extension of the Divine.

There are many meditation techniques available for tuning into your Spirit, or higher nature. Here at Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, one of the primary ways that we learn to attune to and focus on God is through what we call Spiritual Exercises. Spiritual Exercises are an active technique of bypassing the mind and emotions by using a spiritual tone or vibration to connect to the energy that flows from God through all existence.

In Spiritual Exercises (S.E.’s) there is a focus on actively directing the attention inside, rather than attempting to passively quiet the mind. In our experience S.E.’s can assist a person to transcend illusions and limitations and move into the awareness of themselves as Soul: the pure, sacred, loving nature of who we truly are.

A recommended chant for spiritual exercises is the ‘HU,’ which is pronounced like the name Hugh or which can be said by pronouncing the sounds of the individual letters ‘H’ and ‘U.’ The HU tone is an ancient name of God and is a wonderful way of attuning to the higher vibrations of Spirit.
The ANI-HU is a variation of the HU chant. Pronounced (AHN-EYE-HUE), the ANI-HU is also an invocation to God with an added dimension that brings in the quality of empathy and oneness with others. As you chant this tone, you may find the quality of empathy and connection with others increased.

We invite you to follow the instructions below and try doing Spiritual Exercises, and observe the results for yourself.

People who do Spiritual Exercises regularly often report experiencing a deeper peace and relaxation and a greater connection to the Spirit inside. You might try doing Spiritual Exercises daily for 10 or 15 minutes and see if this practice works for you.

Instructions for Spiritual Exercises

  1. Call yourself forward into the Light of the Holy Spirit for the highest good, and ask for protection and guidance during your S.E.’s.
  2. Chant the HU (pronounced H-U or HUE) or the Ani-HU (pronounced AHN-EYE-HUE), which are sacred names of God. It’s preferable to do this inwardly (silently).
  3. While chanting, focus your attention in the “third eye” area, which is near the center of the head directly back from your forehead. It is in this place that the Soul has its seat and the Soul energy gathers.
  4. After you have chanted for about five minutes, stop and listen within. You are listening for the Sound Current, or audible life stream, which can be very subtle. You may hear it the first time you do this, or it may take years of practice. This is a very individual matter.
  5. If you find your mind wandering and you lose the focus of listening, you can focus the mind again by chanting.
  6. After about five minutes of listening, you can return to chanting again. The times are approximate, and the idea is to spend time in S.E.’s both chanting and listening.

For longer periods of S.E.’s, you can expand the time for chanting and listening to fifteen minutes each. For example, in an hour session you can chant for fifteen minutes, listen for fifteen minutes, and then repeat the chanting-and-listening cycle one more time.

All of the above are guidelines, so you can experiment with how you do S.E.’s, using what works for you at a particular time and not getting attached to a certain form. The focus is on doing your Spiritual Exercises with as much loving and devotion to the Spirit within as you can.

Again, we invite you to visit this peaceful place, and while you’re here to go inside in whatever way works for you, and tap into the riches within.