
Fabulous & Free: The Magic of Completion [with Video]

One of the most useful things I can say to you for living in this world is if you want to have greater health and more energy, move things toward completion.
— John-Roger, PAL&G Founder

Yes, I’m fabulous! And I feel freeeeee! How often do you catch yourself saying that? Even if affirmations are your strength, I mean, really, who doesn’t want more fabulousness and freedom in their lives? One of the magic keys, according to author and consultant, Martha Ringer is completion. In fact, she’s written a whole book about completing: Complete.Done.Finished. The joy of doing, the freedom when done.

Here at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens (PAL&G) Tuesday, Oct 17, Martha Ringer and Heartfelt Foundation Director, Skyler Patton explored Reclaiming Your Energy – The Magic of Completion. Just in case you missed the event, here are a few gems from the dynamic duo:

Freedom and Completion are a Tight Couple:

  • Unburden yourself of tasks that are not in your wheelhouse.
  • Cross off crocheting that doily for your elderly aunt. Buy one and call it complete!

Listen Deeply:

  • Remember to breathe – consciously. And listen deeply.
  • Where do I go next? Seems like a simple question. In reality, many of us go to overwhelm instead of action.

Break Down Your To-Dos into Mini Tasks:

  • Instead of doing a dance of dizzy confusion, break down your to-dos into mini tasks.
  • Promise yourself (and/or a pal) to do the small action by a certain date and time.
  • Focus on the task until done. Just do it!

Keep the agreement. This is soooooo key to freedom, trusting yourself and owning your fabulousness.

Tip - An Easy But Oh, So Revealing Exercise:

  1. Write down all the incompletes in your life. Including childhood dreams, bucket list items and doing the laundry.
  2. Once you’ve got your mountain of musts and maybes on your mobile or notepad; circle the most important one. Which one calls to you?
  3. Well, done! Now identify a mini-step that you can complete right now.
  4. Take your mini-step!
  5. Next, acknowledge yourself. Celebrate!!!

Key - Acknowledgment and Appreciation:

Major keys to continue charging ahead with your to-dos are acknowledgment and appreciation. Martha revealed her sophisticated method at the event. Jumping up and down, she shouted, “Yes, I’m fabulous!” She added, “The executives I work with always look at me funny but it works.”

Learn more Practical Tools for Everyday Spirituality at our upcoming events at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens.