
Love Is the Miracle Maker

“Miracles become the result of your Love.” ~John-Roger, DSS

A miracle is an unexpected but welcome gift. Course in Miracles friends say, “Forgiveness is the home of miracles.” It is indeed miraculous and surprising - for me anyway - when my heart floods with love for one I labeled “foe.”

Miracles are different though from magic. Grudges usually melt best when met with meditation. Work needs to be done before benefits surface. It’s kind of like a 401k. Hard-earned money is deposited into an account. In time, if invested correctly, lots of money appears!  

So, if I can go into meditation with the intent to touch the divine, angels kiss my forehead. Conversely if I continue on the war path of againstness …Well, you’ve probably heard the saying, “What you focus on you create.”

But you’ve also heard what you resist, persists. So when the war lords are drumming up strategies of revenge, I put my best Mother Mary/Shakti/Fairy Godmother game face on and have a little chat.

Wicked War Lords: (Shouting at the top of their lungs.) They are wrong, bad and we are going to withhold love from them forever and ever and ever. Here’s how we can get back at them…

Super Mother Mary/Shakti/ Fairy Godmother: (In a soft, soothing voice.) Er, excuse me for a moment. You sound like you’re really angry, hurt and in a whole lot of pain. It’s okay that you feel rage. You have a right to your feelings.

Wicked War Lords: (Stunned.) I do?

Super Mother Mary/Shakti/ Fairy Godmother: Mm-hmm. And I bet you thought when so-and-so did such-and-such, they did so because you were not (fill in the blank) enough or bad or not worthy of love.

Wicked War Lords: (Heads hanging and shuffling their feet) Yeah, kinda.

Super Mother Mary/Shakti/ Fairy Godmother: Well, their behavior is not about you. YOU are our precious one. We love YOU soooooooo much.

Wicked War Lords: Really?

Super Mother Mary/Shakti/ Fairy Godmother: Yes! So, would you be willing to chant Ani-Hu or Om or any one of the divine mantras designed to lift and heal?

Wicked War Lords: (Dewy-eyed) Yes.

The mystic Rumi had it right: “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” And then, yes, miracles appear.

For more info about meditations, forgiveness, and little miracles, visit On many 2nd & 4th Tuesdays popular meditation instructor and author, Paul Kaye will holds meditation and sound journeys.